As Christians we are called to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ. If you are anything like me, this is an extremely difficult thing to do. There just never seems to be a good time to broach the subject. To be honest, I am afraid of the awkwardness this discussion might cause.

Running has torn down the awkwardness and created a platform for me to talk freely about my faith. It is my hope that these stories will help draw you closer to our creator – through whom we all have the strength to move mountains.

God has given me a body built for endurance. Over the years, I have run a few races and met many wonderful and interesting people. These posts contain my stories. You do not need to be a runner to relate to these events. We are all running the race of life. We all have our peaks and valleys that we have to climb and descend.

My Family

My Family
My Lovely Wife Christina & Sons: Chase, Cruz, & Dash Dexter

YouTube Video of 2010 McNaughton 200 Mile Trail Run

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Maine to Florida Run for Ronald McDonald House

It was brought to my attention that tomorrow (August 27, 2008), a runner from Virginia Beach will be starting his run from Bangor, ME to Miami, FL. He is doing this in support of Ronald McDonald House (RMH). Below is a clip from his website that pretty much explains Tommy's passion for this and the RMH. It is very personally emotional for him.

Below from Tommy's website.

In The Beginning

Around about 2004 I got an idea about running from Maine to Florida and visiting as many Ronald McDonald Houses as I could along the way. The hope is to not only raise some much needed funds for such an outstanding cause, but to raise the awareness as well. See, I know just what a place like this means . . . unfortunately.

Back in 1998, my youngest daughter, Randi, was diagnosed with brain cancer a few weeks before she was to turn two. Randi's battle lasted 6 1/2 months before it over took her life. In that time my family was able to stay at the Ronald McDonald House in NYC.

Life spins seemingly out of control in these times and when things like having your family together, instead of being split apart, are times when you can breath and feel relaxed. With my wife staying with Randi in the hospital during the week and I staying with her on the weekend, things got stressful. However, when we learned that we could be together by staying at the Ronald McDonald House, believe it or not, there were moments where we had great memories.

You see, the doctors, nurses and the medications were there to treat Randi, the Ronald McDonald House was there to treat the whole family. That in the end is what motivates me to run 30 miles a day for weeks on end down the east coast.

There is an Chinese Proverb that goes:
If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap.
If you want happiness for a day, go fishing.
If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune.
If you want happiness for a lifetime, help somebody.

What are you doing for happiness? Me, I'm going for a run.